Leandro Summo

Leandro Summo / Visual Artist


Light Projections

Selected Projects





Martina Menegon

More info about the artist at http://www.martinamenegon.com/


The White Page Gallery is a new culture for art curatorial practices based on the values of sharing, collaborations and openess. The White Page Gallery is a decentralized network made of indipendent galleries runned by people, such as artists and curators but not limited to those art practitioner figures, on their very own websites. The White Page Gallery is a concept happening every time someone or a group of people opens a WPG on their/her/his website dedicating a webpage to others’s exhibitions and art projects. The White Page Gallery happens every time a connection and a collaboration are established between a host and a guest. The WPG’s host offers a space and the setting up. The WPG’s guest offers the contents. Every host of the WPG has their/her/his own rules for their own gallery.

More info at: http://www.whitepagegallery.network/

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